New Arrivals March 2019

New Arrivals March 2019

Below you will find a list of all of the trees and shrubs we’ve received so far this March.  To easily search this list hit Ctrl F to type in what you are looking for.

Acer Palmatum ‘Sister Ghost’ Sister Ghost Japanese Maple #3
Buxus Sempervirens ‘Newport Blue’ Newport Blue Boxwood 36-42″
Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ Green Velvet Boxwood 18-24″
Ilex x Meservae ‘Blue Princess’ Blue Princess Holly #7
Ilex x Meservae ‘Blue Princess’ Blue Princess Holly 3-4′
Ilex x Meservae ‘Blue Princess’ Blue Princess Holly 4-5′
Juniperus ‘Wichita Blue’ Wichita Blue Juniper 6-7′
Picea Abies ‘Paul’s Select’ Paul’s Select Blue Spruce 24-30″
Pieris Japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’ Dorothy Wycoff Pieris #7 24-30″
Pieris Japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ Mountain Fire Pieris #7 24-30″
Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Skipkaensis’ Skip Laurel 4-5′
Rhododendron ‘Album Elegans’ Album Elegans Rhododendron 36-42″
Rhododendron Catawbiense ‘Boursault’ Boursault Rhododendron 30-36″
Rhododendron x ‘English Roseum’ English Roseum Rhododendron #15 30-36″
Rhododendron x ‘Golden Gate’ Golden Gate Rhododendron 30-36″
Rhododendron x ‘Springtime’ Springtime Rhododendron #10 30-36″
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ Emerald Green Arborvitae 5-6′
Azalea x ‘Blaauw’s Pink’ Blaauw’s Pink Azalea #5 18-24″
Azalea x ‘Johanna’ Johanna Azalea #5 18-24″
Azalea x ‘Pleasant White’ Pleasant White Azalea #5 18-24″
Buxus Microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ Winter Gem Boxwood #3 12-15″
Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ Green Velvet Boxwood #3 12-15″
Chamaecyparis Pfisifera ‘King’s Gold’ Gold Thread Cypress #3 18-24″
Cornus Kousa x Florida ‘Celestial’ Celestial Dogwood #15
Ilex Crenata ‘Green Lustre’ Green Lustre Japanese Holly #5 18-24″
Ilex Crenata ‘Helleri’ Helleri Japanese Holly #5 18-24″
Ilex Crenata ‘Steeds’ Steeds Japanese Holly #7 30-36″
Ilex x ‘Nellie Stevens’ Nellie Stevens Holly #15 4-5′
Kalmia Latifolia ‘Carousel’ Carousel Mountain Laurel #5 15-18″
Malus x ‘4 Way Combo’ 4 Way Combo Apple Tree #15
Malus x ‘Fuji’ Fuji Apple #15
Malus x ‘Gala’ Gala Apple #15
Malus x ‘Jonathan’ Jonathan Apple #15
Pieris Japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’ Dorothy Wycoff Pieris #5 15-18″
Prunus Subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ Autumnalis Cherry #15
Prunus x ‘Black Tartarian’ Black Tartarian Cherry #15
Prunus x ‘Montmorency’ Montmorency Cherry #15
Prunus x ‘Suncrest’ Suncrest Peach #15
Rhododencron x ‘Chionoides’ Chionoides Rhododendron #5 18-24″
Rhododendron x ‘English Roseum’ English Roseum Rhododendron #5 18-24″
Rhododendron x ‘Nova Zembla’ Nova Zembla Rhododendron #5 18-24″
Vaccinum Corymbosum ‘Duke’ Duke Blueberry #5 24-30″
Cercis Canadensis ‘Appalachia Red’ Appalachia Red Redbud 1 1/2-2″
Cercis Canadensis ‘Little Woody’ Little Woody Redbud 3-4′
Cercis Canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’ Ruby Falls Redbud 1 1/2-2″
Cercis Canadensis ‘Vanilla Twist’ Vanilla Twist Redbud 2-2 1/2″
Cotoneaster Salicifolia ‘Repans’ Willowleaf Cotoneaster #3 15-18″
Erika ‘Mediteranean Pink’ Mediteranean Pink heather #3
Prunus Serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Kwanzan Cherry 2-2 1/2″
Prunus Serrulata ‘Royal Burgundy’ Royal Burgundy Cherry 1 1/2-2″
Prunus Serrulata ‘Snowgoose’ Snowgoose Cherry 1 1/2-2″
Prunus Serrulata ‘Snowgoose’ Snowgoose Cherry 2 1/2-3″
Prunus Subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ Autumnalis Cherry 2-2 1/2″
Prunus Subhirtella ‘Pendula Plena Rosa’ Weeping Cherry #15
Prunus x ‘Okame’ Okame Cherry 1 1/2-2″
Prunus x ‘Snowfozam’ Snowfountain Weeping Cherry 2-2 1/2″
Prunus x Yedoensis ‘Yoshino’ Yoshino Flowering Cherry 1 1/2-2″
Acer Palmatum Dissectum ‘Crimson Queen’ Crimson Queen Japanese Maple #10 3-4′
Acer Palmatum Dissectum ‘Red Filigree’ Red Filigree Japanese Maple #10 3-4′
Fargesia Rufa Green Panda Bamboo #5
Forsythia x ‘Lynwood gold’ Lynwood Gold Forsythia 5-6′
Hydrangea Arborescens ‘Invincibelle Ruby’ Invincibelle Ruby Hydrangea #3 15-18″
Thuja Plicata ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 5-6′
Viburnum Dilatatum ‘Cardinal Candy’ Cardinal Candy Viburnum #3 18-24″
Amelanchier Canadensis ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Autumn Brilliance Amelanchier 6-7′
Betula Nigra ‘Dura heat’ Dura Heat River Birch 10-12′
Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood 2-2 1/2″
Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood 2 1/2-3″
Cornus Kousa Kousa Dogwood 6-7′
Cornus Kousa x Florida ‘Celestial’ Celestial Dogwood 2-2 1/2″
Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 8-10′
Helleborus x ‘Brandywine’ Brandywine Hellebore #1
Cephalotaxus Harringtonia ‘Duke Gardens’ Duke Gardens Plum Yew #5 18-24″
Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Drupacea’ Drupacea Plum Yew #5 18-24″
By |2019-03-22T15:07:35+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Weekly Arrivals|0 Comments

New Arrivals Week of May 28th 2018

Here is what arrived this past week.  If you are looking for something hit control-F to search for what you are looking for!

Latin Name Common Name Container Size Plant Size
Acer Palmatum ‘Tamukeyama’ Tamukeyama Japanese Maple 42-48″
Acer Palmatum ‘Viridis’ Viridis Japanese Maple #15 4-5′
Achileea x ‘New Vintage Red’ New Vintage Red #10
Achillea x ‘Paprika’ Paprika Yarrow
Aesculus Parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye #15 5-6′
Azalea Delaware Valley White Delaware Valley white Azalea 6-7′
Azalea x ‘Klondyke’ Klondyke Azalea 2-2 1/2″
Betula Nigra ‘Duraheat’ Duraheat River Birch 1 1/2-2″
Buddleia x ‘Cranrazz’ Cranrazz Butterfly Bush 2 1/2-3″
Buddleia x ‘Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven’ Petite Blue Heaven Butterfly Bush 5-6′
Buddleia x ‘Inspired Pink’ Inspired Pink Butterfly Bush 12-14′
Buddleia x ‘Miss Violet’ Miss Violet Butterfly Bush 2 1/2-3″
Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ Green Velvet Boxwood 1 1/2-2″
Buxus x ‘Wedding Ring’ Wedding Ring Boxwood 7-8′
Calycanthus x ‘Aphrodite’ Aphrodite Sweetshrub 2-2 1/2″
Cephalanthus Occidentalis Button Bush 1 1/2-2″
Cephalotaxus Harringtonia ‘Duke Gardens’ Duke Gardens Plum Yew 8-10′
Cercis Canadensis Eastern Redbud 6-7′
Cercis Canadensis Eastern Redbud 7-8′
Cercis Canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ Forest Pansy Redbud 8-10′
Chamaecyparis Pfisifera ‘Boulevard’ Boulevard Cypress Pom Pom 2-2 1/2″
Chamaecyparis Pfisifera ‘Gold Thread’ Gold Thread Cypress 8-10′
Coreopsis x ‘Bengal Tiger’ Bengal Tiger Tickseed 4-5′
Coreopsis x ‘Cosmic Evolution’ Cosmic Evolution Tickseed 5-6′
Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood #10 3-4′
Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood #2
Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood #5
Cornus Florida x Kousa ‘Cellestial’ Cellestial Dogwood #3
Cornus Florida x Kousa ‘Stellar Pink’ Stellar Pink Dogwood #3
Cornus Kousa Kousa Dogwood 15-18″
Cornus Kousa Kousa Dogwood #3
Diervilla x ‘Firefly Nightglow’ Firefly Nightglow Bush Honeysuckle #3 18-24″
Echibeckia x ‘Summerina Orange’ Summerina Orange Echibeckia #3 18-24″
Echibeckia x ‘Summerina Yellow’ Summerina Yellow Echibeckia #3
Echinacea Purpurea ‘Delicious Candy’ Delicious Candy Echinacea #3
Echinacea Purpurea ‘Pica Bella’ Pica Bella Echinacea #2
Echinacea Purpurea ‘Sombrero Lemon Yellow’ Lemon Yellow Sombrero Coneflower #2
Euonymus alatus Compacta Compact Burning Bush #3
Fargesia Rufa Green Panda Bamboo (Clumping) #3
Hakonechloa Macra ‘Aureola’ Golden Japanese Forest Grass #7
Helenium x ‘Short n Sassy’ Short n Sassy Sneeze Weed #7
Heuchera x ‘Electric Plum’ Electric Plum Heuchera #3 15-18″
Hibiscus Syriacus ‘Bali’ Bali Rose of Sharon #3
Hibiscus Syriacus ‘Blue Satin’ Blue Satin Rose of Sharon #2
Hibiscus Syriacus ‘Fiji’ Fiji Rose of Sharon #2
Hibiscus Syriacus ‘Fiji’ Fiji Rose of Sharon #3
Hosta Sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ Elegans Hosta #3
Hosta x ‘gold Standard’ Gold Standard Hosta #3
Hydrangea Arborescens ‘Annabelle’ Annabelle Hydrangea #3
Hydrangea Arborescens ‘Mini Mauvette’ Invincibelle Spirit Mini Mauvette Hydrangea #3
Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘Starlight’ Let’s Dance Starlight Hydrangea #3
Hydrangea pan. Vanilla Strawberry Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea Tree #3
Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Limelight’ Limelight Hydrangea (Tree Form) #10
Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Quickfire’ Quickfire Hydrangea (Tree Form) #10
Ilex Verticillata ‘Southern Gentleman’ Southern Gentleman Winterberry #3
Illex x Red Beauty Red Beauty Holly #3
Juniperus Procumbens ‘Nana’ Japanese Garden Juniper #3
Lagerstroemia x Faurei ‘Dynamite’ Dynamite Crape Myrtle #10
Lagerstroemia x Faurei ‘Pink Velour’ Pink Velour Crape Myrtle #10
Lagerstroemia x ‘Purple Magic’ Purple Magic Crape Myrtle #4
Lamium Maculatum ‘Ghost’ Ghost Dead Nettle #15
Lamium Maculatum ‘Orchid Frost’ Orchid Frost Dead Nettle #3
Leucothoe Scarletta Scarletta Leucothoe #10
Magnolia Stellata ‘Royal Star’ Royal Star Magnolia #3
Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia #7
Miscanthus Sinensis ‘My Fair Maiden’ My Fair Maiden Miscanthus #1
Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Variegatus’ Variegated Maiden Grass #10
Monarda x ‘SugarBuzz Cherry Pops’ SugarBuzz Cherry Pops Bee Balm #3
Monarda x ‘Sugarbuzz Grape Gumball’ Sugarbuzz Grape Gumball Bee Balm #10
Nepeta Faasenii ‘Junior Walker’ Junior Walker Catmint #3
Nepeta Faasenii ‘Walker’s Low’ Walker’s Low Catmint #7
Nepeta Faasenii ‘Walker’s Low’ Walker’s Low Catmint #3
Pennisetum x ‘Fireworks’ Fireworks Fountain Grass #3 15-18″
Penstemon ‘Cha Cha Cherry’ Cha Cha Cherry Beard Tongue #3 15-18″
Pieris jap. Compacta compact Japanese Andromeda #2 12-15″
Pieris Japonica ‘Katsura’ Katsura Japanese Pieris #3
Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Skipkaensis’ Skip Laurel #3
Prunus x Yedonensis ‘Akebono’ Akebono Yoshino Cherry #3
Pyrus Calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’ Cleveland Select Pear #2
Quercus Palustris ‘Green Pillar’ Green Pillar Pin Oak #2
Rhododendron Maximum Rosebay Rhododendron #2
Rhododendron Maximum Rosebay Rhododendron #2
Rosa Knockout Coral Coral Knockout Rose #2
Rosa x ‘Pink Knockout’ Pink Knockout Rose #2
Rudbeckia Faasenii ‘Early Bird Gold Early Bird Gold Black Eyed Susan #2
Spiraea x ‘Doubleplay Artisan’ Doubleplay Artisan Spirea #2
Spiraea x ‘Goldmound’ Gold Mound Spirea #2
Syringa Vulgaris ‘Royalty’ Royalty Lilac #3
Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae #2
Veronica x ‘Purpleicious’ Purpleicious Veronica #2
Viburnum Opulus ‘Roseum’ Snowball Viburnum #1
Viburnum Plicatum ‘Summer Snowflake’ Summer Snowflake Viburnum QT/6″
Viburnum Plicatum Tomentosum ‘Summer Snowflake’ Summer Snowflake Viburnum #2
Weigela Florida ‘My Monet’ My Monet Weigela QT/6″
Weigela Florida ‘Sonic Bloom Pink’ Sonic Bloom Pink Weigela #2
By |2018-06-01T17:08:53+00:00June 1st, 2018|Weekly Arrivals|0 Comments

Boxwood Leaf Miner – What to look for and how to treat it

What is leaf miner: Leafminer is an insect pest in which the larvae feed on the inside of the boxwoods leaves. These insects feed inside the leaf between the upper and lower leaf surface. Larvae will turn into adults and break through the lower leaf surface when fully matured.

What to look for: Blistered leaves, leaves with something resembling a “bubble” protruding out on the leaf surface, leaves may be discolored brown to yellow or they can remain green.

Life cycle of leaf miner: Larvae stage causes the most damage to boxwood plants. Larvae over winter in leaf blisters. Once spring arrives with warmer temperatures the larvae use this as a signal to become active again and start feeding inside the boxwood leaves. Larvae can feed inside the boxwood leaves from spring to summer. Adult leafminers can emerge out of the leaf in May. Adults look like small yellow/orange flies that can swarm around boxwood plantings. Shortly after adults emerge they mate. After mating a fertile female can deposit her eggs into the underside of boxwood leaves directly injecting the leafminer eggs into the boxwood leaves. Adult females die shortly after depositing their eggs. This starts the cycle again as the eggs grow into larvae within the leaf in about two weeks. The larvae can feed and grow to maturity inside the boxwood leaf bringing a lot of damage to the boxwood plant as it feeds and steals nutrients from the plant itself.

How to treat Leaf miner with insecticides & systemics: Use insecticide around the first week of May and a second application around mid June and mid July. Carbaryl or Malathion can control adult populations. Acephate can control larvae developing in the leaves when applied in mid May after adults emerge from leaves. You can also use the systemic insecticide imidacloprid also known as Merit to control larval populations. Apply systemic insecticide at the base of the plant near roots because this insecticide will be taken up through the roots of the boxwood and concentrated inside the boxwood to prevent further infestation.

How to treat Leaf miner naturally: Select more resistant cultivars to begin with, English and Japanese varieties are better than American varieties. Use natural insect predators such as green lacewing to control larval population. You can prune new growth of Boxwoods in May after adults deposit eggs to reduce the larval population and reduce damage on your boxwoods. Keep Boxwoods healthy, with proper watering and air circulation. A healthy plant is less likely to be susceptible to insect damage.

By |2018-05-24T15:47:47+00:00May 24th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

New Arrivals – Week of 4/23/18

Here is what arrived this past week.  If you are looking for something hit control-F to search for what you are looking for!

Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Plant Type Ctr Size Plant Size
10 Abelia Grandiflora ‘Rose Creek’ Rose Creek Abelia #3
10 Agapanthus ‘Baby Pete’ Baby Pete Lily of the Nile #1
15 Ajuga x ‘Burgundy Glow’ Burgundy Glow Bugleweed #1
15 Ajuga x ‘Catlin’s Giant’ Catlin’s Giant Bugleweed #1
12 Allium x ‘Millenium’ Millenium Allium #1
5 Alophila Autralis Australian Tree Fern #5
15 Amsonia Hubrichtii #1
10 Aquilegia x ‘Double Pleat Blackberry’ Double Pleat Blackberry Columbine #1
10 Astilbe Chinensis ‘Pumila’ Pumila Chinese Astilbe #1
15 Astilbe x ‘Fanal Red’ Fanal Astilbe #1
10 Astilbe x ‘Heart and Soul’ Heart And Soul Astilbe #1
12 Athyrium Nipponicum ‘Pictum’ Japanese Painted Fern #1
12 Athyrium x ‘Ghost’ Ghost Fern #1
15 Azalea x ‘Silver Sword’ Silver Sword Azalea #3 12-15″
16 Azalea x ‘Tradition’ Tradition Azalea #3 15-18″
10 Bellis ‘Habanera Mix’ Habanera Mix English Daisy #1
22 Brunnera Macrophylla ‘Silver Heart’ Silver Heart Siberian Bugloss #1
10 Buddleia x ‘Lo and Behold Blue Chip’ Blue Chip Butterfly Bush #3
10 Buxus Sempervirens Common Boxwood (Cone) 4-5′
15 Buxus x ‘Franklin’s Gem’ Franklin’s Gem Boxwood #3 12-15″
10 Centaurea Montana #1
5 Clematis ‘Diamantina’ Diamantina Clematis #2
18 Clematis Integrafolia ‘Blue Ribbons’ Blue Ribbons Bushy Clematis #1
5 Clematis x ‘Bee’s Jubilee’ Bee’s Jubilee Clematis #3
5 Clematis x ‘Boulevard Ninon’ Ninon Boulevard Clematis #2
5 Clematis x ‘Boulevard Nubia’ Boulevard Nubia Clematis #2
5 Clematis x ‘Boulevard Olympia’ Boulevard Olympia Clematis #2
5 Clematis x ‘Jackmanii’ Jackman’s Clematis #3
10 Cordyline x ‘Electric Pink’ Electric Pink Cordyline #1
10 Coreopsis x ‘Early Sunrise’ Early Sunrise Tick Seed #1
4 Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Brave’ Cherokee Brave Dogwood #15 4-5′
10 Cycas Revoluta Sago Palm #1
5 Deutzia Gracilis ‘Nikko’ Nikko Slender Deutzia #3
10 Dianthus x ‘Bumbleberry Pie’ Bumbleberry Pie Dianthus #1
10 Dianthus x ‘Fire Star’ Fire Star Dianthus #1
10 Dianthus x ‘Neon Star’ Neon Star Dianthus #1
12 Drypteris ‘Brilliance’ Brilliance Autumn Fern #1
10 Echinacea Purpurea ‘Kim’s Knee High’ Kim’s Knee High Coneflower #1
10 Echinacea Purpurea ‘Magnus’ Magnus Coneflower #3
5 Ensete Maurelii Red Banana #3
6 Ensete Maurelii Red Banana #5
10 Euonymus Fortunei ‘Moonshadow’ Moonshadow Wintercreeper #3 12-15″
10 Festuca Glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ Elijah Blue Fescue #1
5 Helleborus x ‘Cinnamon Snow’ Cinnamon Snow Lenten Rose #1
10 Helleborus x ‘Ivory Prince’ Ivory Prince Lenten Rose #1
10 Hemerocallis x ‘Fulva’ Fulva Ditch Lily #2
12 Heuchera x ‘Carnival Peach Parfait’ Peach Parfait Coral Bells #1
12 Hosta x ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta #1
10 Hosta x ‘Blue Angel’ Blue Angel Hosta #2
6 Hosta x ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ Blue Mouse Ears Hosta #1
5 Hosta x ‘Brother Stefan’ Brother Stefan Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Curly Fries’ Curly Fries Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Earth Angel’ Earth Angel Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Enterprise’ Enterprise Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Eola Sapphire Eola Sapphire Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Fantasy Island’ Fantasy Island Hosta #1
10 Hosta x ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ Fragrant Bouquet Hosta #1
10 Hosta x ‘Halcyon’ Halcyon Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘June’ June Hosta #1
12 Hosta x ‘Sum and Substance’ Sum and Substance Hosta #1
20 Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘Blue Enchantress’ Blue Enchantress Hydrangea #3
10 Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘Blue Enchantress’ Blue Enchantress Hydrangea #5
20 Hydrangea Macrophylla ‘LA Dreamin’ LA Dreamin Hydrangea #5
10 Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Strawberry Shake’ Strawberry Shake Hydrangea #3
15 Ilex Crenata ‘Bennett’s Compacta’ Bennett’s Compacta Japanese Holly 36-42″
5 Ilex x ‘Oakleaf’ Oakleaf Holly 5-6′
4 Iris Ensata ‘Variegata’ Variegated Water Iris #1
10 Iris Siberica ‘Wine Wings’ Wine Wings Siberian Iris #1
5 Lagerstroemia x Faurei ‘Sioux’ Sioux Crape Myrtle 8-10′
20 Lamium Maculatum ‘Anne Greenway’ Anne Greenway Deadnettle #1
5 Lantana x ‘Confetti’ Confetti Lantana (tree form) #3
18 Lantana x ‘Miss Huff’ Miss Huff Lantana #1
15 Lantana x ‘Teenie Genie’ Teenie Genie Lantana #1
15 Lavandula x ‘Blue Cushion’ Blue Cushion Lavender #1
15 Lavandula x ‘Munstead’ Munstead Lavender #1
30 Lavandula x ‘Phenomenal’ Phenomenal Lavender #1
10 Leucanthemum x ‘Becky’ Becky Shasta Daisy #1
10 Leucanthemum x ‘Snowcap’ Snowcap Shasta Daisy #1
2 Malus Sargentii ‘Tina’ Tina Dwarf Crabapple #7
10 Mandavilla x ‘Sun Parasol Giant Pink’ Sun Parasol Giant Pink Mandavilla #2
10 Mandavilla x ‘Sun Parasol Pretty Pink’ Pretty Pink Mandavilla #2
30 Matteucia Strutheopteris ‘The King’ The King Ostrich Fern #1
12 Matteucia Struthiopteris Ostrich Fern #1
15 Nepeta x Faasenii ‘Early Bird’ Early Bird Catmint #1
20 Pennisetum Alopecuroides ‘Hameln’ Hameln Fountain Grass #3
5 Phlox Paniculata ‘Jeana’ Jeana Garden Phlox #1
15 Phlox Subulata ‘Emerald Blue’ Emerald Blue Phlox #1
20 Phlox Subulata ‘Fort Hill’ Fort Hill Creeping Phlox #1
15 Phlox Subulata ‘Fort Hill’ Fort Hill Creeping Phlox #1
2 Physocarpus x ‘Summer Wine’ Summer Wine Ninebark Tree #10 4-5′
10 Plumbago x ‘Royal Cape’ Royal Cape Plumbago #1
25 Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Skipkaensis’ Skip Laurel 3-4′
30 Rhododendron x ‘PJM’ PJM Rhododendron #5 24-30″
5 Rhodoendron x ‘Roseum Elegans’ Roseum Elegans Rhododendron #7
20 Rosa x ‘Double Pink Knockout’ Double Pink Knockout Rose #4 18-24″
20 Rosmarinus x ‘Roman Beauty’ Roman Beauty Rosemary #1
16 Rosmarinus x ‘Roman Beauty’ Roman Beauty Rosemary QT/6″
10 Rudbeckia Hirta ‘Goldstrum’ Goldstrum Black Eyed Susan #3
15 Salvia Nemerosa ‘Caradonna’ Caradonna Meadow Sage #1
15 Salvia Nemerosa ‘East Friesland’ East Friesland Meadow Sage #1
20 Salvia Nemerosa ‘May Knight’ May Knight Meadow Sage #1
10 Sedum x ‘Dazleberry’ Dazzleberry Stone Crop #1
10 Sedum x ‘Thundercloud’ Thundercloud Sedum #1
15 Spiraea x ‘Gold Flame’ Gold Flame Spiraea #3 15-18″
10 Stachys Byzantina ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ Fuzzy Wuzzy Lamb’s Ear #1
10 Syringa x Patula ‘Miss Kim’ Miss Kim Lilac #3 18-24″
50 Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 6-7′
14 Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 7-8′
4 Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 8-10′
5 Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 10-12′
10 Tiarella x ‘Sugar and Spice’ Sugar and Spice Foam Flower #1
20 Trachelospermum Jasminoides ‘Madison’ Madison Star Jasmine #5
20 Trachelospermum Jasminoides ‘Madison’ Madison Star Jasmine #1
5 Viburnum Dentatum Arrowwood Viburnum #7 30-36″
10 Viburnum x ‘Pragense’ Prague Viburnum #7 18-24″
By |2018-04-27T18:32:51+00:00April 27th, 2018|Weekly Arrivals|0 Comments

New Arrivals Week of 4/20/18

Here is what arrived this past week including a lot of perennials, shrubs, and some of the trees we were still waiting on.  If you are looking for something hit control-F to search for what you are looking for!

Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Plant Type Ctr Size Plant Size
9 Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Bloodgood Japanese Maple 6-7′
10 Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Bloodgood Japanese Maple 7-8′
1 Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Bloodgood Japanese Maple 8-10′
5 Acer Palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ Coral Bark Japanese Maple 5-6′
10 Achillea millefolium ‘Moonshine’ Moonshine Yarrow #3
10 Allium ‘Globemaster’ Globemaster Ornamental Onion #2
10 Amsonia x ‘Storm Cloud’ Storm Clud Amsonia #1
10 Azalea x ‘Gibralter’ Gibralter Exbury Azalea #3 24-30″
5 Berberis Thunbergii ‘Royal Burgundy’ Royal Burgundy Barberry #3
25 Betula Nigra ‘Duraheat’ Duraheat River Birch 10-12′
60 Buxus Microphylla ‘Baby Gem’ Baby Gem Boxwood #3 15-18″
10 Carex x ‘Evergold’ Evergold Carex #1
10 Cercis Canadensis ‘Appalachia Red’ Appalachia Red Redbud 1 1/2-2″
5 Clematis Integrifolia ‘Rooguchi’ Rooguchi Clematis #3
5 Clematis x ‘HF Young’ HF Young Clematis #3
5 Clematis x ‘Madame Le Coultre’ Madame Le Coultre Clematis #3
8 Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood 3-3 1/2″
15 Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood 6-7′
15 Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ Cherokee Princess Dogwood 8-10′
5 Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood 2 1/2-3″
8 Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood 5-6′
10 Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ Pink Dogwood 7-8′
10 Cornus Kousa Kousa Dogwood (Multi Stem) 5-6′
5 Cornus Kousa Kousa Dogwood (Multi Stem) 7-8′
5 Cornus Kousa ‘Scarlet Fire’ Scarlet Fire Dogwood #10 5-6′
10 Cornus Kousa x Florida ‘Celestial’ Celestial Dogwood 7-8′
10 Deutzia Gracilis ‘Yuki Snowflake’ Yuki Snowflake Slender Deutzia #2
10 Dianthus ‘Firewitch’ Firewitch Cheddar Pinks #1
10 Dicentra Spectabilis Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart #3
15 Fargesia Nitida ‘Blue Fountain’ Blue Fountain Clumping Bamboo #5
15 Fargesia Rufa Green Panda Clumping Bamboo #5
10 Fothergilla Major ‘Blue Shadow’ Blue Shadow Fothergilla #3
10 Fothergilla Major ‘Mount Airy’ Mount Airy Fothergilla #3
15 Geranium x ‘Rozanne’ Rozanne Geranium #1
10 Heuchera x ‘Electric Plum’ Electric Plum Heuchera #1
10 Heuchera x ‘Mega Caramel’ Mega Caramel Coral Bells #2
10 Heuchera x ‘Silver Gumdrop’ Silver Gumdrop Heuchera #1
10 Heuchera x ‘Souther Comfort’ Southern Comfort Coral Bells #2
10 Heuchera x ‘Wild Rose’ Wild Rose Heuchera #1
10 Hydrangea Aborescens ‘Incrediball’ Incrediball Viburnum #3
10 Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Little Quickfire’ LIttle Quickfire Hydrangea #3
10 Hydrangea Quercifola ‘Pee Wee’ Pee Wee Oakleaf Hydrangea #3
10 Hypericum x ‘Sunny Boulevard’ Sunny Boulevard St. John’s Wort #2
15 Ilex x meservae ‘Red Beauty’ Red Beauty Holly #7 42-48″
10 Iris Germanica ‘Concertina Pink’ Concertina Pink Bearded Iris #1
10 Iris Germanica ‘Mr. Moonlight White’ Mr Moonlight Bearded Iris #1
10 Iris Germanica ‘Pagan Dance’ Pagan Dance (Purple) Bearded Iris #1
10 Iris Germanica ‘Raven Girl’ Raven Girl Bearded Iris #1
10 Iris Germanica ‘Red Masterpiece’ Red Masterpiece Bearded Iris #1
10 Iris Germanica ‘Ziggy’ Ziggy (Yellow/Red) Bearded Iris #1
10 Itea Virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ Henry’s Garnet Itea #3 15-18″
15 Juniperus Procumbens ‘Nana’ Japanese Garden Juniper #3
10 Kalmia Latifolia ‘Little Linda’ Little Linda Mountain Laurel #3
10 Kalmia Latifolia ‘Ostbo Red’ Ostbo Red Mountain Laurel #3
10 Leucothoe Fontanesiana ‘Rainbow’ Rainbow Leucothoe #2 15-18″
12 Lobelia Cardinalis Cardinal Flower #1
10 Lonicera ‘Scentsation’ Scentsation Honeysuckle #3
8 Magnolia x Liliflora ‘Anne’ Anne Magnolia 5-6′
5 Magnolia x Liliflora ‘Jane’ Jane Magnolia 7-8′
3 Malus x ‘Honeycrisp’ Honeycrisp Apple #7
10 Miscanthus Sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ Zebra Grass #3
10 Nepeta Faasenii ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ Cat’s Pajamas Catmint #2
5 Paeonia Lactiflora ‘Armani’ Armani Garden Peony (Red) #3
5 Paeonia Lactiflora ‘Victoire De La Marne’ Victoire De la Marne Garden Peony #3
10 Pennisetum Alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’ Little Bunny fountain Grass #3
10 Penstemon ‘Midnight Masquerade’ Midnight Masquerade Beard Tongue #2
10 Physocarpus x ‘Tiny Wine’ Tiny Wine Ninebark #3 18-24″
10 Pieris Taiwanensis ‘Prelude’ Prelude Japanese Pieris #3
10 Potentilla Fruticosa ‘McCay’s White’ McCay’s White Potentilla #3
8 Pyrus Calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’ Cleveland Select Pear 2-2 1/2″
4 Pyrus x ‘Bosc’ Bosc Pear #10
10 Rhododendron x ‘Dandy Man Purple’ Dandyman Purple Rhododendron #2
5 Rosa x ‘Don Juan’ Don Juan Climbing Rose #3
5 Salix x ‘Niobe’ Golden Weeping Willow #15
5 Sedum ‘Kamtschaticum’ Kamtschaticum Stonecrop #1
10 Spiraea x ‘Doubleplay Big Bang’ Doubleplay Big Bang Spirea #3
10 Spiraea x ‘Magic Carpet’ Magic Carpet Spirea #3
10 Syringa Vulgaris ‘Krasavitsa Moskoy’ Krasavitsa Moskoy Lilac #3
10 Syringa Vulgaris ‘Sensation’ Sensation Lilac #5
10 Syringa x Hyacinthoides ‘Declaration’ Declaration Lilac #5
10 Syringa x Hyacinthoides ‘Purple Glory’ Purple Glory Lilac #3
20 Syringa x Patula ‘Miss Kim’ Miss Kim Lilac #7
10 Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ Green Giant Arborvitae 7-8′
10 Viburnum Dilatatum ‘Cardinal Candy’ Cardinal Candy Viburnum #3
15 Viburnum Plicatum ‘Popcorn’ Popcorn Viburnum #7 3-4′
10 Viburnum Plicatum ‘Wantanabei’ Wantanabei Doublefile Viburnum #7
5 Yucca Filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ Color Guard Yucca #3
By |2018-04-20T13:37:31+00:00April 20th, 2018|Weekly Arrivals|0 Comments
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