Happy Spring! Here is a list of the perennials, shrubs and trees we’ve received so far this spring with a lot more on its way. If you are looking for something specific you can hold down Control and hit the F key to find something specific.

Quantity | Botanical Name | Common Name | Plant Type | Ctr Size | Plant Size |
2 | Abies Koreana ‘Silberlocke’ | Silberlocke Korean Fir | 3-4′ | ||
10 | Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ | Bloodgood Maple | 3-3 1/2″ | ||
2 | Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ | Bloodgood Maple | 4-4 1/2″ | ||
5 | Acer Palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ | Bloodgood Maple | #10 | 5-6′ | |
5 | Acer Palmatum Dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ | Tamukeyama Japanese Maple | #10 | 48-54″ | |
4 | Acer Palmatum ‘Red Sentinel’ | Twombley’s Red Sentinel Japanese Maple | 5-6′ | ||
25 | Azalea x ‘Blaauw’s Pink’ | Blaauw’s Pink Azalea | #5 | 18-24″ | |
24 | Azalea x ‘Delaware Valley White’ | Delaware Valley White Azalea | #3 | 15-18″ | |
40 | Azalea x ‘Johanna’ | Johanna Azalea | #5 | 18-24″ | |
16 | Azalea x ‘Silver Sword’ | Silver Sword Azalea | #3 | 12-15″ | |
10 | Berberis Thunbergii ‘Bogozam’ | Bonanza Gold Barberry | #3 | 12-15″ | |
10 | Berberis Thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’ | Rosy Glow Barberry | #3 | 12-15″ | |
25 | Betula Nigra ‘Duraheat’ | Duraheat River Birch | 10-12′ | ||
10 | Buddleia Davidii ‘Black Knight’ | Black Knight Butterfly Bush | #3 | ||
25 | Buxus Microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ | Winter Gem/Wintergreen Boxwood | 24-30″ | ||
25 | Buxus Microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ | Winter Gem Boxwood | #3 | 12-15″ | |
20 | Buxus Sempervirens | Common Boxwood (Cone Shaped) | 30-36″ | ||
125 | Buxus Sempervirens | Common Boxwood | 48-54″ | ||
4 | Buxus Sempervirens | Common Boxwood 3 Ball | |||
25 | Buxus Sempervirens ‘Aureovariegata’ | Variegated English Boxwood | 42-48″ | ||
6 | Buxus Sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ | Dwarf English Boxwood (Spiral) | 18-24″ | ||
50 | Buxus x ‘Green Beauty’ | Green Beauty Boxwood | 24-30″ | ||
21 | Buxus x ‘Green Beauty’ | Green Beauty Boxwood | #3 | 18-24″ | |
10 | Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ | Green Mountain Boxwood | 42-48″ | ||
25 | Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ | Green Mountain Boxwood | 30-36″ | ||
15 | Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ | Green Mountain Boxwood | 36-42″ | ||
25 | Buxus x ‘Green Mountain’ | Green Mountain Boxwood | #3 | 12-15″ | |
75 | Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ | Green Velvet Boxwood | #3 | 12-15″ | |
50 | Buxus x ‘Green Velvet’ | Green Velvet Boxwood | 18-24″ | ||
25 | Cephalotaxus Harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’ | Fastigiate Japanese Plum Yew | 30-36″ | ||
5 | Cercis Canadensis | Eastern Redbud | #15 | ||
5 | Cercis Canadensis | Eastern Redbud | 6-7′ | ||
10 | Cercis Canadensis ‘Appalachia Red’ | Appalachia Red Redbud | 1 1/2-2″ | ||
20 | Cercis Canadensis ‘Appalachia Red’ | Appalachia Red Redbud | 1 1/2-2″ | ||
5 | Cercis Canadensis ‘Merlot’ | Merlot Redbud | 1 1/2-2″ | ||
5 | Cercis Canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’ | Ruby Falls Redbud | #15 | 5-6′ | |
3 | Chamaecyparis Pfisifera ‘Boulevard’ | Boulevard Cypress (Pom Pom) | 4-5′ | ||
40 | Chamaecyparis Pfisifera ‘Gold Mop’ | Gold Thread Cypress | #3 | 18-24″ | |
8 | Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ | Cherokee Princess Dogwood | 3-3 1/2″ | ||
15 | Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ | Cherokee Princess Dogwood | 6-7′ | ||
15 | Cornus Florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ | Cherokee Princess Dogwood | 8-10′ | ||
8 | Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ | Pink Dogwood | 2 1/2-3″ | ||
8 | Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ | Pink Dogwood | 5-6′ | ||
10 | Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’ | Pink Dogwood | 7-8′ | ||
10 | Cornus Kousa | Kousa Dogwood (Multi Stem) | 5-6′ | ||
5 | Cornus Kousa | Kousa Dogwood (Multi Stem) | 7-8′ | ||
5 | Cornus Kousa ‘Summer Fun’ | Summer Fun Dogwood | 4-5′ | ||
5 | Cornus Kousa ‘Summer Fun’ | Summer Fun Dogwood | 5-6′ | ||
4 | Cornus Kousa ‘Wolf’s Eye’ | Wolf’s Eye Dogwood | 7-8′ | ||
10 | Cornus Kousa x Florida ‘Celestial’ | Celestial Dogwood | 7-8′ | ||
10 | Cornus x Kousa ‘Constellation’ | Constellation Dogwood | 7-8′ | ||
5 | Cornus x Kousa ‘Rutdan’ | Celestial Dogwood | #15 | ||
16 | Cryptomeria Japonica ‘Globosa Nana’ | Dwarf Globe Cryptomeria | #3 | ||
8 | Cytisus Scoparius ‘Lena’ | Lena Scotch Broom | #3 | ||
8 | Cytisus Scoparius ‘Moonlight’ | Moonlight Scotch Broom | #3 | ||
16 | Deutzia Gracilis ‘Nikko’ | Nikko Slender Deutzia | #3 | ||
10 | Dystillium x ‘Linebacker’ | Linebacker Dystillium | #2 | ||
1 | Fagus Sylvatica ‘Red Obelisk’ | Red Obelisk Beech | 10-12′ | ||
1 | Fagus Sylvatica ‘Tricolor’ | Tricolor European Beech | 7-8′ | ||
300 | Forsythia Intermedia ‘Lynwood’ | Lynwood Gold Forsythia | 4-5′ | ||
2 | Ginkgo Biloba ‘Jade Butterfly’ | Jade Butterfly Ginkgo | 36-42″ | ||
2 | Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Diane’ | Diane Witchhazel | #7 | 36-42″ | |
24 | Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Limelight’ | Limelight Hydrangea | #5 | ||
24 | Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Little Lime’ | Little Lime Hydrangea | #5 | ||
24 | Hydrangea Paniculata ‘Pinky Winky’ | Pinky Winky Hydrangea | #5 | ||
25 | Ilex Crenata ‘Green Lustre’ | Green Lustre Holly | #5 | 18-24″ | |
25 | Ilex Crenata ‘Helleri’ | Helleri Holly | #5 | 18-24″ | |
40 | Ilex Crenata ‘Steeds’ | Steeds Holly | #7 | 30-36″ | |
12 | Ilex x meservae ‘Blue Princess’ | Blue Princess Holly | #4 | 18-24″ | |
5 | Ilex x ‘Nellie Stevens’ | Nellie Stevens Holly | #15 | 5-6′ | |
6 | Juniperus Chinensis ‘gold cone’ | Gold Cone Juniper | 42-48″ | ||
4 | Juniperus Chinensis ‘Spartan’ | Spartan Juniper | 6-7′ | ||
2 | Juniperus Scopularum ‘Moonglow’ | Moonglow Juniper | 5-6′ | ||
25 | Leucothoe Axillaris | Coast Leucothoe | #5 | 15-18″ | |
8 | Magnolia x Liliflora ‘Anne’ | Anne Magnolia | 5-6′ | ||
8 | Magnolia x Liliflora ‘Jane’ | Jane Magnolia | 7-8′ | ||
5 | Malus x ‘Jonathan’ | Jonathan Apple | #15 | ||
5 | Malus x ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ | Scarlet Sentinel Apple | #15 | ||
5 | Malus x ‘Winesap’ | Winesap Apple | #15 | ||
16 | Osmanthus Heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ | Goshiki False Holly | #3 | 15-18″ | |
1 | Parrotia Persica ‘Persian Spire’ | Persian Spire Parrotia | 5-6′ | ||
4 | Picea Abies ‘Cupressina’ | Columnar Norway Spruce | 5-6′ | ||
10 | Picea Abies ‘Little Gem’ | Little Gem Spruce | 18-24″ | ||
25 | Pieris Japonica ‘Dorothy Wycoff’ | Dorothy Wycoff Pieris | #5 | 18-24″ | |
15 | Pieris Japonica ‘Mountain Fire’ | Mountain Fire Pieris | 30-36″ | ||
15 | Pieris Japonica ‘Shojo’ | Shojo Japanese Pieris | #7 | 24-30″ | |
16 | Pinus Mughus ‘Slowmound’ | Slowmound Mugo Pine | #3 | ||
2 | Pinus Thunbergii ‘Thunderhead’ | Thunderhead Pine | 24-30″ | ||
30 | Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Skipkaensis’ | Skip Laurel | 36-42″ | ||
5 | Prunus Serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ | Kwanzan Cherry | #15 | 7-8′ | |
25 | Prunus Serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ | Kwanzan Cherry | 2-2 1/2″ | ||
5 | Prunus Subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ | Autumnalis Cherry | #15 | 7-8′ | |
9 | Prunus Subhirtella ‘Pendula Plena Rosa’ | Weeping Cherry | 2 1/2-3″ | ||
10 | Prunus Subhirtella ‘Pendula Plena Rosa’ | Weeping Cherry | 2-2 1/2″ | ||
5 | Prunus x ‘4 Way Combo’ | Fruiting Cherry (4 Way Combo) | #15 | ||
5 | Prunus x ‘Black Tartarian’ | Black Tartarian Fruiting Cherry | #15 | ||
5 | Prunus x ‘Montmorency’ | Montmorency Cherry | #15 | ||
5 | Prunus x ‘Royal ann’ | Royal Ann Fruiting Cherry | #15 | ||
5 | Prunus x ‘Suncrest’ | Suncrest Peach | #15 | ||
8 | Pyrus Calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’ | Cleveland Select Pear | 2-2 1/2″ | ||
25 | Rhododendron Catawbiense ‘Boursault’ | Boursault Rhododendron | #15 | 36-42″ | |
10 | Rhododendron x ‘Cunningham’s Blush’ | Cunningham’s Blush Rhododendron | 24-30″ | ||
25 | Rhododendron x ‘English Roseum’ | English Roseum Rhododendron | 30-36″ | ||
15 | Rhododendron x ‘Lee’s Dark Purple’ | Lee’s Dark Purple Rhododendron | 30-36″ | ||
30 | Rhododendron x ‘Roseum Elegans’ | Roseum Elegans Rhododendron | 30-36″ | ||
20 | Rhododendron x ‘Vulcan Flame’ | Vulcan Flame Rhododendron | 24-30″ | ||
16 | Spiraea x ‘Gold Mound’ | Gold Mound Spirea | #3 | 15-18″ | |
10 | Spiraea x ‘Snowmound’ | Snowmound Spirea | #3 | 15-18″ | |
3 | Stewartia Pseudocamellia | Japanese Stewartia | 5-6′ | ||
75 | Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ | Emerald Green Arborvitae | 5-6′ | ||
25 | Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ | Green Giant Arborvitae | #10 | 4-5′ | |
50 | Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ | Green Giant Arborvitae | 5-6′ | ||
20 | Thuja Plicata x Standishii ‘Green Giant’ | Green Giant Arborvitae | 7-8′ | ||
2 | Ulmus Americana ‘Princeton’ | Princeton Elm | 2-2 1/2″ | ||
25 | Vaccinum x ‘Blue Crop’ | Blue Crop Blueberry | #5 | 24-30″ | |
40 | Viburnum Plicatum ‘Popcorn’ | Popcorn Viburnum | #7 | 3-4′ | |
30 | Viburnum Rhytidophylloides ‘Allegheny’ | Allegheny Viburnum | #7 | 30-36″ | |
20 | Viburnum x Burkwoodii ‘Mohawk’ | Mohawk Viburnum | #7 | 24-30″ | |
10 | Viburnum x Rhytidophylloides ‘Dart’s Duke’ | Dart’s Duke Leatherleaf Viburnum | #7 | 18-24″ |